- Tutorial on how to "score big" at job interviews.
- Informational sheet on proven strategies for marketing your resume... and more!
- Our 45 day "get hired or get a refund" guarantee.
- Optional cover letter & follow-up "thank you" letter.
- Optional "job hunter" research lists & career coaching via telephone.
- Resumes in 2-3 business days or less from only $119.95!

You'll receive a
receipt, resume assignment # and login information immediately upon
completion of our secure order form!
We GUARANTEE job interviews or we'll re-write your resume at no additional charge!
Resume writing services are usually TAX-DEDUCTIBLE!
About Our Professional Resume Writing Services
Resumes & Cover Letters Completed In 2-3 Business Days Or Less!
Too many "resume writing" services use off-the-shelf software (at worst) or poorly paid amateurs (at best) to mass produce generic resumes from basic templates. In contrast, we offer one of the Internet's only personalized resume writing services with professional writers carefully crafting the best presentation possible for each individual's unique needs. We want your resume to STAND OUT and NOT look like every other resume in "the pile." Some of the many features of our service include:
Professional Resume Creation
Completion is guaranteed in 2-3 business days (or less) and even quicker alternatives are available at YOUR option (see our order form for more details!). If there is anything about our work with which you are not satisfied, let us know within 30 days and we'll revise your resume AT NO ADDITIONAL CHARGE! Better still, we even guarantee that if you don't get any job interviews within 30 days, we'll re-work your resume again and re-write it as needed! Of course, we can't issue refunds once our labor has been completed but we will certainly stick by your side, stand behind our work, and fix anything that isn't letter-perfect!
Letters, Coaching by Telephone, & More
Our secure order form offers several useful options for additional services prior to checkout. These include cover letter writing, follow-up "thank you" letter writing, and even professional career coaching via telephone. You'll also see options to RUSH your resume, post it online, and have copies "snail mailed" to you (in addition to email). All written services that you order will also be available for you to download from our online client services center.
Follow-Up, Revisions...Updates...
With every resume order, our clients are able to select a number of useful, add-on options including customized resumes, post-interview thank you, letters, & even "job hunter" services. Additionally, EVERY resume we create comes with an informational sheet on how to best handle challenging job interviews, and even an informational sheet on how to market your resume to prospective employers!
Remember! Our standard resume package starts at only $119.95. Your order will be processed IMMEDIATELY and you will be granted privileged access to our our online service center featuring DIRECT correspondence with the resume writers assigned to YOUR project!