- Tutorial on how to "score big" at job interviews
- Informational sheet on proven strategies for marketing your resume... and more!
- Optional cover letter & follow-up "thank you" letter.
- Optional "job hunter" research lists & career coaching via telephone.
- Resumes in 2-3 business days or less for only $119.95!

You'll receive a
receipt, resume assignment # and login information immediately upon
completion of our secure order form!
We GUARANTEE job interviews or we'll re-write your resume at no additional charge!
Resume writing services are usually TAX-DEDUCTIBLE!
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Commission checks will be sent to you EACH MONTH and there is NO minimum sales quota...AT ALL! Affiliates earn $20 for every resume order tracked from their web site!
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Start earning cash RIGHT AWAY! 1-on-1-Resumes.com pays $20 for each order tracked from your web site! There is no cost to join and you can cancel anytime YOU want! Checks are mailed the first week of each month and there is NO minimum sales quota necessary!
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